welcome to experimentcity!
experimentcity was initiated in 2003 by id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability, emphasizing the development of a great diversity of cooperative, accessible, affordable and self-organized housing forms as an essential contribution to a culture of sustainable urban development.
experimentcity, through a networking of experts and activists, artists and creatives as well as researchers, administrators and business people – supports innovative urban and community development strategies – transforming rigid top-down approaches into direct democratic and participatory processes.
With project markets (EXPERIMENTDAYS), internet platforms (CoHousing Berlin), publications (CoHousing Cultures + CoHousing Inclusive) and events including workshops, project visits (Creative Sustainability Tours) and exhibitions, experimentcity communicates the potential of a culture of creative and participatory, sustainable urban development.
experimentcity europe has networked CoHousing activists and experts at the European level supporting the exchange and transfer of locally-based experiences and knowledge.
experimentcity SUPPORTS collaborative housing forms and diversity in urban neighborhoods as well as participative and sustainable (re)uses of vacant buildings and land. This offers urban pioneers and innovative housing and cultural projects a platform to publicize their ideas.
experimentcity DEMONSTRATES that creative and integrated uses of otherwise idle space with ecological, cultural and cooperative initiatives increases urban quality of life.
experimentcity CREATES public interest, mobilizes available resources in the civil society regionally and internationally and works with government, media and the business community in taking steps toward sustainable development.
experimentcity INITIATES an exchange of experiences, networking and cooperation and is a Model Project for the implementation of the Local Agenda 21, designed to communicate with people where they are: in a diversity of languages and spaces, locally and internationally.
id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability
id22: a multidisciplinary, non-profit organization based in the urban lab we know as Berlin. A focus is on the theory and practice of creative sustainability, emphasizing self-organization and local urban initiatives. The Institute coordinates educational services, networking events and publications exploring CoHousing and related projects like CoWorking and community gardening in the context of a post-growth, democratic urban development. We have an international orientation and are happy to work with people with and without refugee experience!